What is cool and what is uncool?
a)Olethan lukenut tekstin siitä mitkä asiat ovat 'in' ja mitkä 'out' uusiseelantilaisten nuorten keskuudessa. Teksti koskee erityisesti vaatteita ja musiikkia. (tekstikirja s.134 )
b) Lue myös esimerkkinä tämä yhden 9a-luokan oppilaan kirjoittama teksti keväältä 2014. Ovatkohan samat asiat enää in tai out...
"In out out? (In 2014)
Among teenagers, there are a lot of so called "rules", what comes to style, music taste and other things, like hobbies.
Right now a lot of 'youngsters' are into "electrical" music, popular artists include Avicii, Armin van Buuren etc... Genres like classical music are TOTALLY out.
Also, especially in the Helsinki area, people are REALLY into the way that they dress. If someone is a little different, people don't really laugh at them directly, but they might make fun of them behind their back. So, It's important to pay attention to the way you look. Seriously.
Punk- ish and Goth- ish styles have never really been 'in'. That hasn't changed, and I don't think it ever will. Teenagers nowadays dress really similarly.
With girls, It's really important to be classy. Expensive brands and jewelry, paired with buttoned shirts and clean sweaters (with tight jeans of course) are really stylish.
With boys, cool hoodies and sweaters with baggy jeans are really in. There is also a particular hairstyle called "ananas" (=pineapple) where you have short hair and make it go upwards with hair gel. It's really stylish. I don't personally like it, but oh well, what are you going to do?
AVOID shirts with childish prints like unicorns and teddy bears, bellbottoms, trashy costume jewelry and mixing too many prints. Not cool.
Girls are really into "fitspo". It's a combination of fitness and inspo (inspiration). It's basically about uploading pictures of inspirational texts like "keep going", "one more workout closer to being hella sexy" and stuff like that, to keep you inspired to work out. It's also about uploading pics of healthy food, fruit and berries and stuff. Although it can sometimes be really useful and actually help you to work out, but sometimes it just makes you feel bad about yourself. Some girls are really judgmental towards girls who sometimes like to spoil themselves with a relaxing home-day and some treats, but I don't see anything wrong with that.
Right now a lot of 'youngsters' are into "electrical" music, popular artists include Avicii, Armin van Buuren etc... Genres like classical music are TOTALLY out.
Also, especially in the Helsinki area, people are REALLY into the way that they dress. If someone is a little different, people don't really laugh at them directly, but they might make fun of them behind their back. So, It's important to pay attention to the way you look. Seriously.
Punk- ish and Goth- ish styles have never really been 'in'. That hasn't changed, and I don't think it ever will. Teenagers nowadays dress really similarly.
With girls, It's really important to be classy. Expensive brands and jewelry, paired with buttoned shirts and clean sweaters (with tight jeans of course) are really stylish.
With boys, cool hoodies and sweaters with baggy jeans are really in. There is also a particular hairstyle called "ananas" (=pineapple) where you have short hair and make it go upwards with hair gel. It's really stylish. I don't personally like it, but oh well, what are you going to do?
AVOID shirts with childish prints like unicorns and teddy bears, bellbottoms, trashy costume jewelry and mixing too many prints. Not cool.
Girls are really into "fitspo". It's a combination of fitness and inspo (inspiration). It's basically about uploading pictures of inspirational texts like "keep going", "one more workout closer to being hella sexy" and stuff like that, to keep you inspired to work out. It's also about uploading pics of healthy food, fruit and berries and stuff. Although it can sometimes be really useful and actually help you to work out, but sometimes it just makes you feel bad about yourself. Some girls are really judgmental towards girls who sometimes like to spoil themselves with a relaxing home-day and some treats, but I don't see anything wrong with that.
Boys have to be athletic too. Hobbies like football and ice hockey make you popular with girls. Sometimes girls have debates whether "futarit" (football players) or "hokarit" (ice hockey players) are hotter. I prefer futarit... Haha.
Hobbies like horse- riding and painting and especially stuff like poetry- writing are OUT.
All of these aren't my personal opinions, just facts. I did this based on the majority of teens' interests."
Hobbies like horse- riding and painting and especially stuff like poetry- writing are OUT.
All of these aren't my personal opinions, just facts. I did this based on the majority of teens' interests."
c)Kirjoita englanniksi samantapainen teksti, jossa kerrot mitkä asiat ovat 'in' ja mitkä 'out' suomalaisten nuorten keskuudessa.
Huom! Kirjoita teksti, joka on samantyyppinen kuin tekstikirjan s.134. Eli sanomalehtiartikkelin tyyliin. Ei liian puhekielimäinen!
Voit kirjoittaa lauseita kuten
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Kirjoita jotakin joistakin tai kaikista alla olevista asioista tekstissäsi:
-tv-sarjoista, elokuvista
-nettisivuista, youtubesta, sovelluksista jne.
Julkaise teksti. Vähintään 70 sanaa.
a) Kun olet valmis käy lukemassa muiden tekstejä ja kommentoi niitä ystävälliseen sävyyn englanniksi. Esim. oletko samaa mieltä ja miksi. Oliko teksti hyvä vai olisiko siinä parannettavaa ja mitä?
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