maanantai 11. toukokuuta 2015

Live healthy!

Kuvahaun tulos haulle living healthyAll humans have to eat food for growth and maintenance of a healthy body, but we humans have different requirements as infants, children (kids), teenagers, young adults, adults, and seniors. For example, infants may require feeding every four hours until they gradually age and begin to take in more solid foods. Eventually they develop into the more normal pattern of eating three times per day as young kids. However, as most parents know, kids, teenagers, and young adults often snack between meals. Snacking is often not limited to these age groups because adults and seniors often do the same. Food goes hand in hand with sport.Kuvahaun tulos haulle living healthy 
Nowadays everyone wants to live healthy, but a lot of people don't work for it. It is obvious that everyone loves fast food but some people just can't control. Some people just eat fast food once month or even once a year. Thats not that bad. Example in United State people there eat almost everyday. So if u eat couple times its not that bad. But some people doesn't eat fast food at all and its weird in kind of way kind. I know one person who does not eat fast food since 1999, She's adult. Thats kind of people is role model to us.

Remember to eat healty and also exercise! Eat well. Drink well. Live well.

torstai 7. toukokuuta 2015

In Or Out?

Every teenager knows that you need to wear right clothes and listen right music if you want to be `popular`.
Right now at 2015 I think that almost every girl have pair of boyfriend jeans, ripped jeans, skinny jeans, plaid shirts, crop tops and denim jackets at their closet.That`s in right now I think.

Choker and all kinds of braids are in to.Football and cheerleading is also in, but riding is not so in.I think that everybody who has "" have heard that riding isn`t sport "ratsastus ei oo urheilu" and like 14year old horse girl "-00 heppatyttö".

For boys its in "classy" clothes and just like "cozy" clothes.Also pineapple "ananas" hairstyle is in

Here is some pictrues of what is in and what is out.
I think that almost every girl have had those braids even 1 time.

                                                    Casual clothes and pineapple hairstyle is in
                                At summer 2015 you are going to see alot of boyfriemd jeans and croptops.

                                                        Choker is in and those hair also.
                                                        ripped jeans and sweater are in
                                                      Adidas superstar shoes are in again

Healthy living


It is up to you to decide between living healthy and unhealthy life.
Here's some simple things to do to be healthy.

Eat healthy and diverse food to get vitamins, carbohydrate and protein. Choose to drink water if you're thirsty. Limonade and juices are not good for your teeth.
Sleep enough because it is important to your body and brain.
Don't forget to exercise daily.
And most important key of living long, happy and mentally healthy life is to stay positive!


In and out

When it comes to clothing, all people are different. Styles and trends change all the time. Still, most of the people have some kind of pattern about what kind of clothes they buy.
Let's check what's in and out!

Right now neon- and bright colors are out of fashion. If you wear shirts that have huge slogans like "cool" or "fabulous" you won't be taken very seriously. Those are kind of "child's clothes" and anyone over 12 shouldn't wear them if they aren't brand clothes.
Next summer's hit style seems to be using different kind of patterns together and creating kind of "fun outfits". Of course, we won't know that for sure until summer.
Among the girls chokers and crop tops are in. If you use them properly you'll make an classy and 'street appropriate' outfit.

Most of the teenagers use social media sites like Instagram, Vine, YouTube and Whatsapp. Those are the places where you 'must be' to know about what's going on right now.
                                                                     HEALTHY GUIDE

Fruits and vegetables are the best choice to every meal. Fastfood and candys are not the right one. Nowadays people eat too much unhealthy stuff. Healthy food is same price that unhealthy so choose the one which is better for your body.
If you are waiting for relaxed retirement age then start to keep your diet healthy.

Don´t smoke it bad for you health and for your lungs. Alcohol is good in small duses but bad when you drink it too much.

Remember to exercise daily it keeps your body in condition and you get some fresh air.
Sleeping is very important for youngsters. You need at least 8 hours of sleep everyday. Good sleep keeps you going.

Healthy Livin'

Having a healthy lifestyle is necessary for your body.
Doing so can be a bit tricky at some times though. But with the right mindset anyone can live a healthy and long life.
The first and most important part is eating right. So cut the McDonald's and Burger King and start eating well, or else they will kill you. You should start fresh and eat all kinds of fruits and vegetables to get a lot of energy and carbohydrates. That is unless you really want to get in fit, in that case you need to hit the gym and eat a lot of protein. Having a weekly workout schedule or a program helps you keep track of your routines. Remember to keep yourself updated on the progress you've accomplished, that'll keep you motivated for months.
Don't work your body until it's roasted though, keep breaks from the gym and jog or just simply eat healthy for a couple weeks.
Smoking or drinking alcohol is definitely a big no if you want to live healthy. Smoking ruins your teeth, skin and gums. Alcohol in the other hand is just bad for your brain, so don't do either.

Healthy living

How to live healthy?

Here is few tips for healthy life.

You need to eat healthly and variedly. When you eat variedly, you'll get enough energy, carbohydrates (from pasta, potatoes, bread..), protein (from meat, fish and eggs), calcium (from dairy products, cheese, butter..) and vitamins (from fruits and vegetables).
 Don't eat sweets every day, because they contain lots of sugar, which is not good for your teeth.
And it's not healthy to eat junk food too often.

Don't smoke or drink alcohol, it's definitely not good for your health. Smoking makes your breath smell, your teeth yellowish and it destroys your lungs. Don't even start smoking, because it's addictive and you might not be able to quit it. 
Drinking alcohol damages your liver and affects to your heart function. It can also affect to your relationships. 

  You need to get regular exercise. You can get exercise by taking up a hobby or doing something sportive at your free time. It's also important to get fresh air every day. Youngsters should get exercise or do something sportive at least 1,5 hours per day. So now, when summer is coming and it's getting warmer, spend more time out and it's only good for your own health!

Remember that youngsters should get at least 8 hours of sleep every night. When you have slept well, you are livelier and not sleepy.  

In or out?


Nowadays there are all these kind of  rules and expectations among the teenagers. So there is peer pressure. And these days we have also social media, where you have to "represent" yourself..

Electrical music is very popular at the moment. Teenagers listen music from artists like David Guetta and Avicii.. That's why many teenagers are going to the Weekend Festival in August. 

Apps such as Instagram, Snapchat and Whatsapp are in among the teenagers. Teenagers (at least girls) like to watch videos from youtubers or from Vine. 
It's probably clear to everyone, that teenagers like to take selfies of themselves. 

Things that are in among the girls: 
Tight jeans
Boyfriend jeans
Crop tops
Leather jackets
Plaited hair

And if something is childish, it's probably out. 

Plaited hair

picture: from article about instabraid

Healthy Living

Living healthy is a vital part of our lives, as it can help preventing many diseases, and makes us feel better overall. To live healthy you will have to take care of your nutrition, avoiding fast food is a good point of beginning, but it is more important to remember that food is not all about calories, getting those vital vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients is essential for our well-being. Fast food can make you fat if you eat it too much of it, but only if you do not do regular exercise that is also needed to make your heart and lungs work well. It has been proven by research that regular exercise also helps you sleep better.
Young people need at least eight hours of sleep, and if you do not sleep enough, you might experience, for instance, inability to learn, get nasty headaches, and gaining some weight. Playing with your phone and watching any kind of screen keep you awake, so if you happen to have problems with falling asleep, these are the most likely reasons.
The most significant choice for healthy living one can make is quiting smoking, as smoking is really bad for your teeth, skin, lungs, hearth and wallet. Smoking can also, in many cases, lead to lung cancer and even death. The other brilliant choice is not drinking any alcohol, as alcohol causes heart problems and on long term degrades your brain, while high levels of intoxication often leads to many kinds of accidents.

 After all, the most significant thing one can do for health is staying positive, as healthy and positive mind implies happier life that is the goal of any healthy lifestyle.

In and out.


Now- in spring 2015 what you wear is almost everything you are. People and teenagers says that what you look and what you wear isn't that important than what is inside, but thats not true (ofc. it's true but they think that is not). Those people who says those things (they usually says those things in applications like etc.) talk rubbish about those people who don't wear the latest fashion.

Biggest "gotta wear" things now are ;

Crop tops and Choker necklaces.

Ripped Boyfriend jeans (that you wear ofcourse with crop tops or other skinny tops)

Nike trainers

Brands for example Michael Kors, Adidas, Hollister Co., Nike, Victoria's secret PINK. (all of them are expensive but if you want to be cool...)

Other stores you should go (if you're a girl and you want to be cool):

American Eagle Outfitters
Forever 21
Urban Outfitters
Brandy Melville

But sadly only H&M is in Finland from those stores above.

What kind of clothes then are out?

Shortly clothes that looks cheap or childish and ensembles that don't fit. And remember that although there are many types of Boot-Cut jeans now in stores they are not really IN with teenagers...

Social medias.

You should have these applications in your phone (if

you want to be cool you should have at least I Phone 4s) :

We heart it (totally cool nowand for girls only). In We heart it you can find cool pics that famous people puts to the internet. You can make collections and re-heart other peoples pictures.You can also follow collections. Not many people puts their own pics to We heart it (except they are super cool and full of tanned people or food or clothes). Many people finds inspiration to clothing or training or being healthy from We heart it. Some clothing styles are even named after We heart it (like "oh that is so grunge, like in we heart it!).

Instagram. (boys should have this application too if they want to be cool) To Instagram you are supposed to put pictures that are "My life in pictures" type of pics, but if you want to be cool you should really think what you put to Instagram. Right kind of pics (if you want to be cool) are GOOD selfies (not too much filters and taken from right angle) and cute pics about you and your friends and sunsetpics and of course your holiday pictures from new york and Hawaii or Nice.

WhatsApp. If you want to be cool you should connect to _everyone_ _all_ the time. You should have many groupchat's in your phone. If you are a social person you are in now.

Vine. If you have Vine you are always IN in popular jokes. Viners make 6 seconds long videos that always have jokes in them.



Every kind of braids are IN and if you want to make them more trendy make them little bit messy.


There's no much huge makeup trends right now but some things that are popular now (and so we heart it) are thick eyeliners, matte lipsticks, long eyelashes and eyebrows that are on fleek like in this picture below.

If (you girls) want to know more what to wear or how to wear or how to make a brilliant makeup or hairstyles you should check out Lauren Conrad's books Style and Beauty. (I have them both and they are awesome)

Pics (of course) from We Heart It.

Healthy Living

Living healthy is always a good idea. How i've understood healthy living means eating healthier food and doing exercises to keep your body in fit. Healthy living has became a trend nowadays especially among teenagers and young adults. Its really respectable that teenagers want to eat healthier meals and that fast food restaurants aren't the coolest places to eat nowadays.
        Even though its a really great trend by all odds it can also be very harmful when its done over enthusiasticly. Some people take the healthy life way too seriously. They want to live healthier, but they dont have any knowledge about eating healthy. That leads to that they only eat salad and dont get all the important nutrients. Some people also think they eat healthy when they don't eat at all and the idea of Healthy living has often resulted in anorexia. I do want to eat healthy. I eat regularly and try to have something green on my meals, but i also give myself a permission to eat in fast food restaurants and drink soda and energy drinks as if its not happening every day. Its not that f***ing bad if i sometimes eat in mcdonalds or have one can of coke after school.
        Healthy living doesn't only mean eating healthy food. To keep your body in fit and your mind clear its also good to do some exercise. Team sports are good choise and for many people exercising as a team is more fun. I have tried different forms of team sports but i haven't actually liked very much any of them. I personally like doing my exercise alone and decide the time for it by myself. Good choises for this kind of persons are for example jogging and gym. I also like to do long trips with my bicycle, but as we are in Finland that is only possible on spring and summertime.

In and out?

Cancer of our society

In nowdays our society has many rules. Since we grow up we are told how we should think, what music to listen and  how to dress up, just to look good in the eyes of the others.

For example, among teenagers there are certain "rules"  about style, music and even hobbies.
that you should follow if you want to be famous and liked in school for example you will have to do what everyone else does, wear the same type of clothes as they do listen to the same music hang out whit the same people, practice football and not fresbee even if you like fresbee more than football.

In my opinion this is a cancer, It is contagius and dangerous, because when everyone is wearing the latest fashion and looking good and you aren´t you might get bullyed and criticizised just because you are not in the mass.
And when you do the same things they do or wear the same type of clothes as they do you are beign a conformist, a sheep that bends in to other mans will, and you shoulden´t, you should do what you want and what you like, think by yourself and not like everyone else thinks.
Don´t be a sheep. Think by yourself!

Live healthy


                                           Live healthy

Very many people want to live healthy. But how?
First, you have to eat healty. Forget about junk food, for example hamburgers, pizzas.. or sometimes you can eat about junk food but not every week...

Your food have to be really varied.

Remember eat fruit and vegetables every day. Fruit and vegetables give us vitamins and fibre. Some of people think that only food like salads or fruit are healthy but that's not true. Protein for example eggs and meat are really important too. Bread, potatoes, pasta have lots of carbohydrate.
You have to be balanced diet.

Smoking and drinking alcohol are really bad for your health.  Drinking and smoking are dangerous.

Alcohol destroy your brain and make you crazy if you drink too much.

If you smoke, for example your breath smells and your teeth looks like yellowish and you can get cancer later. I think, smoking is really dumb, it's really bad habit.

If you want to live healthy, remember regular and varied exercise. You can ride a bike, play football, ride a horse or jogging. 
Regular exercise help you sleep better. So we all know, sleeping is really important to us. Before you start to sleep, you can for example read a book or do something else. But you have to relax. Forget your school things, don't think nothing.

Really lots of things. Just try to find your own way to live right.

In and Out


Today I will write about what is In and what is Out (dear god help me, I'm not prepared for this) because I kinda have to.....


In these day, things like getting a brand new fantastic phone is in and at least among boys it is "In" to play video games and maybe chat a little while doing it. Fancy hairstyles and fancy clothes are "In" and hair styles like "Pineapple" or "Ananas" in Finnish are in apparently.
Here's a picture 


Things like really long hair are not common for boys and it seems like everyone who is famous and female has cut there hair lately.
Reading among boys are not really in because they are too busy either being outside or playing video games.

That is all, and sorry for the short text, but I  don't really have a lot of to tell about the subject.

Bye bye!

keskiviikko 6. toukokuuta 2015

Live healthy!


Many people want to live healthy, but also many people many people want to be healthy, but they don't want to exercise and it will be best if you exercise but I will show you some alternatives.

Eating healthy
Some people think that only healthy foods are salad and vegetables are the only healthy food's and everything else is some devil food, but that is just plainly incorrect. Meat and fish and that kind of stuff are healthy too because there rich in protein, but overusing these foods are not healthy, because every protein that you don't use goes into fat. So either eat also meat or if your a vegetarian just eat some alternative foods from what you get the needed vitamins

It's great if you want to be fit, but if the wanting is getting to a point of vomiting or getting anorexic that is not anymore healthy and you need to get some help. Sure if your really overweight you can get depressed but same goes into Anorexic people, and it might not be easy but people need to find the middle ground between these to stages.

You should be proud of your body, but people need to understand that if it gets might get dangerous you need to get help.

Of course, and this should not have to be said, but don't smoke because it will give you some kind of danger to your health, for example in a worst case scenario it might give you lung cancer. And don't drink alcohol , but if you do just be careful that you don't get you into trouble and I'm just going to say this once. Don't do drugs, its bad m'kay?

So there is some useful information that you most likely already know.  

That is all, bye bye!